Friday, November 29, 2013

You and I

You and I
... can't tell.

I have tried to hide I’m interested in you although I know you are interested in me. So we keep walking with face like that not interested in each other. If I collide with someone, I will probably forget you like a romantic movie. 

If you tell me...

One day, if you tell me what I want to hear, what will I do? Will I disoblige and grin with a cold face? It’s possible. Finally, I feel my heart is cold through I have tried to walk with a face as defying you. This organ might be has already forgotten how to love.

...I will tell you.

Or, will I hug you caused l heard words that have been waiting for long time? Then, perhaps, I will can’t hold my tears and cry. When I will be crying even regardless discarding complacency, just may be, I will tell you barely what how long I have been waiting. 

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